Route Driver Assistant- Feeding South Dakota

Each day, Feeding South Dakota goes to grocery stores throughout Rapid City picking up donated food as part of our Retail Pickup Program. Volunteers are needed to assist with the collection of these donations on Wednesday mornings. This volunteer position would help the driver pick up and unload the food donations. This job is a physically demanding requiring some heavy lifting and bending. Comfortable clothing is a must including winter wear and good shoes or boots. To volunteer, Sign Up below. For more information, call Shawna at (605) 348-2689feedingsd 

Volunteers Needed for Piedmont 4th of July Parade

When: 0930hrs, Thursday, July 4th, 2019

Where: Go to the Piedmont American Legion Post (101 Pine St, Piedmont, SD), the main entry table by Dans market or the speakers stand on Main St.  Ask for Kevin or Tom.

What:  Crowd control support particularly at the corner and one assistant for the speakers stand (no public speaking skills needed).

Volunteers primarily needed to keep the kids out of the street so as not to impede the parade vehicles.  Candy is somewhat of a tradition and it somehow finds it way to the middle of the road attracting the kids to pick it up. 

They also need one person to assist the announcer. 

Volunteers will be outfitted with water and safety gear and deploy them to the parade route. 

Please dress for hot weather, bring a hat, and wear sun screen.